51mg - 100mg Cannabinoids and Hemp Products

51mg - 100mg

Shop the hottest cannabinoids that are 51mg - 100mg total, perfect for anyone looking for something subtle.  
13 Results

For Cats

For Dogs



Customer Reviews

My dog looks forward to these. He loves them so much and they really helped with his calm help calm him down. Thank you so much for providing such a good product.
This product is a game changer! Not only does it deliver on its promises, but it also boasts a sleek design and intuitive interface. It's clear that a lot of thought went into both form and function. I've been using it for a while now and it's quickly become an indispensable part of my routine. Whether you're a novice or a pro, this product is definitely worth considering.
As someone who gets a little anxious on long road trips, I knew I needed something to take the edge off for my drive to Charlotte. I decided to try out one of these CBD pre-rolls after scoring a gift card.

Right out of the package, I could tell this was high-quality stuff. The roll had an enticing herbal aroma without any harsh or chemical smells. It lit easily and produced a nice, smooth smoke that wasn't harsh on the throat or lungs at all.

Within about 15 minutes of starting to smoke it, I could feel a wave of relaxation washing over me as we merged onto the highway. My usual road trip jitters melted away, but I didn't feel out of it or impaired at all. I just felt...chill. Pleasantly calm and at ease.

I slowly puffed away at the pre-roll over the first half of the trip, letting its effects carry me along in a blissful state of calm. I wasn't intoxicated, just just very de-stressed and able to full enjoy the scenery and my husband's company.

Whether you're embarking on a road trip or just need to unwind after a long day, I'd highly recommend picking up a few of these CBD pre-rolls. The smooth smoking experience and relaxing yet non-impairing effects get an A+ from me!

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