Cannabinoid Blends (Chill Extreme)

Cannabinoid Blends are a mix of all-natural, hemp-derived cannabinoids made popular because they create unique feelings by combining multiple cannabinoids. These products are available as edibles, usually in the form of gummies, as well as vapes. Most people enjoy Cannabinoid Blends for their ability to enhance your mind in new ways.  
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Customer Reviews

These are really good gummies. They taste pretty good and pack a good punch based on the dosage. I like to take two at a time before bedtime.
I am really enjoying this for sleeping! Plus, this packaging has given me ZERO problems with clogs and for that I am so greatful!
My wife and are extremely happy with the 1200mg. We take one each every night, as seniors we need an extra little help to make us sleep, we wake up and ready for a new day. We definitely recommend these gummies and company. Great product.

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