For Cats

Browse our collection of products for cats, available in a variety of flavors and strengths and infused with premium, safe, legal cannabinoids.  
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Customer Reviews

My cats love these treats.If I forget to give them they let me know.they like these treats better than any other ones out there.i am very pleased with this product.
If you love your cat... buy this. My boy purrs his little whiskers off every time I give him one, and my girl starts kneading me lol. They're happier and not freaking out at things they might have in the past. I'm already noticing an improvement in their coats in the dandruff. They also love me more bahahah? I have never given them treats that got them instantly so happy. Even the sound of the container excites them, and sometimes I can tell they're begging if it's nearby hahahah. They seemed kinda expensive but so is human CBD and it's a big like... Value Tylenol container size. It's definitely worth it just to see my cats get so happy. I know CBD doesn't kick in immediately like that, so the treats must taste and smell super amazing to them as well (which was an issue with the last CBD treats I tried elsewhere. Yuck!) But after a few minutes they're napping with smiles (I swear) or starring out the window. Overall the energy has shifted and it's positive af.
My cat was diagnosed with diabetes several months ago. He got down to 11 pounds (for 7 years he was between 16.8-17.4). My vet said he’d never get back to over 17 pounds and started him on insulin.
The insulin made him miserable. Since his blood sugar wasn’t too high and I use cbd myself, I started him on cbd (puffs and these treats it was hard to give him oil drops).
A couple months later he’s back over 17 pounds, he’s a 13 year old cat and acts 5. He has a pep in his step again, plays with his toys etc

I have to put the puffs in his food and sneak them in (he’s a spoiled eater) he absolutely loves the tarter control treats

I don’t give his his insulin I do feed him high protein diet and cbd. I love my fur baby to death, and am thankful at the difference

Erin & Earl the cat

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