THC Blend Waffle Cones

Discover our extensive collection of THC Blend Waffle Cones, and enjoy your favorite cannabinoids combined into a potent, delicious waffle cone. Shop now!
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Customer Reviews

I always try something new when I order my go too. The chocolate cone taste so good really enjoyed the calming effect.
Yes, please. I just had a bite of one of these cones, and I feel amazing. Mellow, cozy, sleepy. The only downside is that one cone is 100mg (I like 25 for day use and 50 to sleep). And that cone can’t easily be split into 2-3 pieces. So I took a risk and bit off a piece. Hoping for 1/3 of a cone. Definitely got more than half with now I feel. But I’m not gonna deduct a star for that. Just know going in.

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